Takapuna Clinic

Don’t let foot pain slow you down on Auckland’s bustling streets. If you’re suffering from foot pain or a sports injury, see the qualified podiatrists at Corrective Foot Solution’s Auckland clinic in Parnell- Sam and Mohammad will get you up and running or even wearing your favourite shoes.

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Podiatrist in Takapuna, Auckland

Parnell Clinic

Based in Takapuna, our Auckland podiatrist offers holistic solutions to lower limb and foot injuries, aches and pains. If you are suffering from bunions, hammer toes, painful joints, sore knees or any other foot-related problem, pop into our Auckland clinic.

Podiatry without orthotics

It is rare to find a podiatry clinic in Auckland – or New Zealand for that matter – utilising natural therapies ahead of orthotics and surgery. Corrective Foot Solutions is unique in its holistic perspective on foot health. We use a highly skilled, hands-on approach called Foot Mobilisation Therapy (FMT) which addresses the underlying cause of foot pain for long term physiological changes.
Frustrated with traditional podiatry, Shaun McCann, a NZ podiatrist, sought answers. He found them in postgraduate studies in Sydney where he learnt about FMT and was mentored by world leaders in the podiatry technique. He has since opened Corrective Foot Solutions, bringing this natural therapy to both Tauranga and two Auckland locations.
FMT gently encourages the foot through its natural range of motion, treating the underlying cause of foot pain rather than treating symptoms alone. Corrective Foot Solutions also offers sports podiatry, treating foot aches, pains and injuries that are unfortunately common in the world of sport.

Lewis Liew- BHSc. (Podiatry)
Structural podiatrist

Before pursuing my studies in podiatry, I was highly active in football but frequently side-lined by stubborn injuries that significantly impacted my motivation and love for the sport. Additionally, through coaching youth football since 2018, I learned the need for early intervention to not only heal, but also prevent injuries later in life. My journey into podiatry truly began during my education when I was offered a placement at Corrective Foot Solutions. There, I discovered the unique side of podiatry: Foot Mobilization Therapy (FMT) — a highly effective yet often underutilized treatment method. This therapy greatly aids in recovery from injuries, improves foot function, and reduces pain. When combined with exercise prescription, strapping, acupuncture, and dry needling, it yields remarkable results. At our clinics in Parnell and Takapuna in Auckland, I am dedicated to helping my patients achieve their goals and overcome the frustrations of injuries and foot pain. Drawing from my personal experiences, I am motivated to guide and support my patients on their journey to recovery.

Mohammad Algharaibeh - BHSc. (Podiatry)
Structural podiatrist

Mohammad graduated from AUT with a BHSc in Podiatry after completing his first year of Health Science at the University of Otago in 2015. During his studies, Mohammad has had the chance to work with multiple health practitioners across New Zealand which led him to pursue alternate treatment modalities as a podiatrist. This grew his interest in Foot Mobilisation Therapy as a means for injury rehabilitation and improving foot function without relying on orthotics alone. Outside Of work, Mohammad enjoys keeping active and playing Football so understands the importance of foot function for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. Mohammad Is fully registered with the New Zealand Podiatry board and holds a current Annual practicing certificate.

Opening Hours

Monday  1:30pm-5pm
8am - 6pm
2pm - 5pm

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