Hobbling With Arch Pain?

Plantar Fasciitis is an extremely common foot complaint at Corrective Foot Solutions. Clients typically complain of sharp symptoms that cause trouble when getting out of bed in the morning or at the end of the day.

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Attention Ladies: Bunion Corrected By 17 Degrees!!

Shaun talks abut Elaine's bunion correction using Foot Mobilisation therapy.

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Understanding the Causes of Heel Pain

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Bunions and Foot Mobilisation Therapy: A Non-Invasive Solution for Foot Health

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Want your foot pain gone once and for all?

Foot Mobilisation Therapy is a extremely successful alternative treatment to orthotics and surgery in most cases.

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I Have Heel Pain! What Am I Doing Wrong??

Three Underlying Causes Of Foot Pain

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Stuck At Home With Painful Heels?

If your struggling with heel pain at home, try this simple strapping technique for fast relief

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Want Evidence That We Can Correct Your Bunions Naturally?

Bunions corrected by 30 degrees naturally

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What is Foot Mobilisation Therapy? How can it help my foot and leg pains?

FMT provides and permanent solution to your foot and leg pains without orthotics or surgery in many cases

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Ankle fixed before surgery with FMT

Shaun talks to Jan about her experience with Corrective Foot Solutions treatment.

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More proof that we can strighten your bunions naturally without surgery

Meet Karen WoodKaren Wood below has had a significant 16 and 12 degree in her bunions. She is now able to wear more shoes and pleased she doesn't need expensive surgery!Well done Karen!

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45 Percent of People Have This Foot Problem...

Do your feet hurt? If you suffer from heel, knee or back pain when you exercise or stand for long periods of time, like 45% of the population, you may have misaligned feet or ankles.

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Skeptical that we can correct your bunions naturally?

Bunions affect one in three New Zealanders. According to doctors and most podiatrists, the only way to correct a bunion is surgery.

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Ocean Mount running club information!

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Cheryl's successful bunion case

Meet Cheryl, a motivated client with a typical case of bunions. Determined to prevent her bunions getting worse she decided to get a bunion assessment here at Corrective Foot Solutions.

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Do you have knee pain and have tried everything without relief??

Jim presented to Corrective Foot Solutions because he had severe pain in his right knee that wasn't going away. Frustrated that he had seen physiotherapists,doctors and even tried orthotics from a general podiatrist, with no relief. Desperate to get back to running he decided to give us a go after hearing some positive results at our clinic.

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Does somone in your family have bunions! Jennifer's case study

Do you want feet like your mother? For many people, the answer to that question is a resounding no! The great thing is you can avoid and correct common problems suffered by your parents - like bunions, hammertoes and other foot pain. Whats more, you can do it without surgery and without orthotics.

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Bunion case study-Graham

Bunions affect one in three New Zealanders. According to doctors and most podiatrists, the only way to correct a bunion is surgery. Many people remain unaware of the fact that here's a painless and natural way to effectively treat and correct your bunions, which doesn't require either expensive surgery or orthotics.

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Foot Mobilisation Therapy on TV

Foot pain? FMT on TV

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Before and after bunion correction- Look at this!

Shaun will show you a before and after x-ray of a bunion correction after a course of Foot Mobilisation Therapy..

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Heel pain rehab

Attached are the two exercises to work on for heel pain

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Do you have a bunion??

Many people think that surgery is the only treatment option for bunions. However, FMT is extremely successful in most cases. Using this method, we gently guide the joints back into the correct position and then strengthen the muscles around that joint to reinforce a new position. As a result, the body will naturally straighten the bunion, with help from the hands-on therapy that you receive in the clinic.

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Arch pain? we can fix it without orthotics or a change in footwear!

Normally, heel pain or pain in the arch of the foot is due to a condition called plantar fasciitis.Approximately 10% of people will have this problem at some stage in their life. Plantar fasciitis is brought on by a misalignment of the joints, leading to inflammation of the tissue under the bottom of the

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Is arch pain slowing you down?

Normally, heel pain or pain in the arch of the foot is due to a condition called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain.

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Case study: Grants success story

Osteoarthritis is a serious health condition and is the single greatest cause of disability in New Zealand. More than half a million people are affected by arthritis during their life time. In fact 25,440 New Zealanders will not be able to work this year due to this crippling condition leading to lost earnings, production productivity and not to mention the negative effects on quality of life.

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Top 2 underlying causes of foot problems and how to fix them!

The majority of foot problems we see at Corrective Foot Solutions are chronic in nature, and their foot issues have happened over a long period of time. Most of our clients don’t realise this is the case. In fact some research tells us that we might only feel the most recent deterioration in our feet. (Approximately 7% of the overall foot pathology).

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Are you a fashionable women with a bunion? are you worried that its getting worse?

Meet Lorraine, aged 60. Lorraine had advanced bunions bilaterally (the big toe turned inwards), and she was concerned that they were getting larger

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Check out this before and after x ray that proves we can straighten your bunion!

Meet Andriany (56) with a common case of bunions (big toe turned inwards). Frighted by the idea of her bunions getting worse, painful surgery, adjusting her footwear to accommodate the deviation of her joint, she decided to get some advice about her further developing big toe problem

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1 in 3 New Zealanders have a bunion! What is the cause?

What are bunions? A bunion is a deviation of the big toe towards the middle of the foot. Without treatment, a bony growth may develop, causing a bump or enlargement on the side and over the top of the big toe

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Fixing foot pain without orthotics

A number of patients that have attended Corrective Foot Solutions have been frustrated that no one has discussed the underlying cause of their foot issues or created a plan to address the underlying cause, for long term benefits. Pain as a result of tissue damage or inflammation is usually caused by two main underlying causes.

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Case study: Another bunion corrected!

Meet Janine a patient who attended Corrective Foot Solutions due to a painful bunion on her right foot. Janine was highly motivated to get her bunion treated as she had a few family weddings to attend.

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